Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday October the 13th

So, School Started up again. Stuff that, that isnt what i wanted to talk about.

Sometime on the holidays i played Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Surprise!)
I realised pretty quickly that it was ending soon and i already knew what happens at the end of the game, because the ending is the beginning of KHII

i got to about the last week, and all the relationships in the game start to fall apart, it was so sad, Axel and Roxas (Dickhead) had a really good friendship, and the last time they talk before Dickhead leaves the organization he tells Axel he doesnt trust him any more (stupid fuck). Enough about Roxas, he's a bitch.

There was also this one scene with Axel and Xion where she's tried to run away and Axel has been given orders to bring her back or be killed. So he does, but he's really upset, if he had a heart, he probably would've cried (like i did :$, first time i've cried during a game/movie)

Anyway, the game was sad, then ending was sad. The organization doesn't get a happy ending, the "good guys" do.

Anyway... not much happening over here, moved on from Kingdom Hearts for a bit to Harvest Moon

Cyaah ~

Monday, October 5, 2009


Monday October the 5th
- 4 days til 358/2 days is released in Aus, not that it matters, i already have it ;)
-Speaking of which. Day 306 ~ Getting near the end!

So... Pretty sure on Oct 2 or 3, i went to the Perth Royal Show with Phoebe and Miarka. I didn't plan to go, but hey, who can resist. Mim wanted to go on this ride called the ranger, Phoebs and I simply refused to go  on such a ride. If it goes upside down, I'm out. We decided to play games instead. The first game we played was some duck-fishing thing, how you gotta catch the ducks (I like ducks). I only won some shitty Winnie the Pooh toy which had major issues. Mim won some pig thing and phoebe got a pretty big cute elephant. Mim and I were determined to win something, so we went for the lucky numbers, kinda like lotto, you know. You get a card and flip up all the numbers. If a number on your card matches one on the board, you win a massive stuffed animal of your choice. I went ahead and picked off all the numbers on the first card, there didn't appear to be any winners on it, so i start picking out the numbers on the second card. I decide to double check the numbers on my first card and i realised I had a winner - 22. I was so surprised I had won, and now i have a bug stuffed dog. Phoebe suggested I named him Axel, but he wasn't red, so I went with Roxas >.<

After the show (Buying Showbags, eating curly fries and getting hit by pieces of firework) we had a slumber party at my place. We ate food, and mim got exposed to kingdom hearts for the first time. She thought it was an interesting story, but she got frustrated by the game. Phoebe was jelous Mim was so much better than her already XD

I keep thinking about him. He came up in a dream last night. Even Axel isn't enough to destract me from myself anymore...

Cute HOTTIE BOY!!! Pictures, Images and Photos
Riku Pictures, Images and Photos
zexion Pictures, Images and Photos
Marluxia Pictures, Images and Photos
Luxord Pictures, Images and Photos


Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Many

October 1st 2009

I encourage you to read all of it; but if you simply cant be bothered, the main bit is at the bottom >.<

So... Last night, I got a bit bored, and i hopped on youtube

All of a sudden,, I thought of looking up Kingdom Hearts (Obsessed Much?), after all, anything with Axel in it must be good!

This is when i realised: Maybe Axel isn't my favourite guy ever any more, Kingdom Hearts has so many guys, and only a small amount are unattractive! But Axel was always my favourite.

Recently, a character; Riku, the best friend of the main character caught my attention. I used to depsise him. Hated him. But all of a sudden, he's amoing my favourite characters.

Zexion: After watching a playthrough of RE: CoM, i found myself finding calling Zexion, Sexion....
The weirdness explains itself, but overall, he is a great character, shame Axel kills him T.T

Marluxia: I don't know why he's one of my favourites. He just is, maybe its the pink hair, because everyone knows the real men wear pink..

Luxord: I have even less reason to why he's a favourite then i do for Marluxia, he's just... polite? I don't know what it is, but I definantly like his character

Axel: This guy. is. the. best. I could come up with a million reasons why h e is my ultimate favourite... but i still like these other guys a dangerously close amount. Why? How? When? I don't know, but i do want him to stay my favourite...

And then... theres the guy that's actually real...

??: One of my best friends. I can laugh with him, I can cry with him, I could tell him anything. He can tell me anything. I stick up for him, He sticks up for me. He's a great guy. Axel's greatest competition yet, but why aren't we more than "just friends"? Do i even really want to be more than "Just Friends". Half of me says, you should stay friends with him, because this friendship is important to me, the other half says, you should make him your boyfreind, and hopefully things will work out. Failure is what I'm afraid of. If say, we went out, and it didn't work, would he have the emotional maturity to remain friends with me?

I just don't know...

"Axel: Girls are very complex, you have to make sure you don't press the wrong buttons, Got it Memorized?" - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

"Brittany: Guys are so confusing, they never know what they want, and they play mind games with you!"

I should stick with the fantasy guys i suppose...

Back to the youtube point: i found this, since you probably wont get it, I'll explain the quoutes (:

"They don't even say hello to me" refers to
Zexion: "Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?"

"Got it Memorized" refers to
Axel:"Bingo. The name's Axel. Got it memorized?"

"Electricity" refers to
The fact that Larxene is able to control the element of lightning

"Dance water dance!" refers to
Demyx: "Dance Water Dance" (In the opening of the battle against him)

"Hello to you too" Somewhat refers to
"Nice to see you, too, Vexen."

Oh yeah, nearly forgot.. this is pretty much dedicated to the best friend; Maria (: